Asking the universe why?

by Caity   Jan 24, 2006

As i watch the world pass me by
sitting on my balcony
asking the universe why
as i cry with anger

I scream to the crystal clear sky
Angry with the gods
asking the universe why
as i laugh with frustration

I sob into my hands knowing my soul will die
as i feel alone in this world
asking the universe why
as i curl up my fists with rage

Then, these feelings pass,I let out a sigh
but feel empty knowing they will be back
asking the universe why
as i stifle back the tears i want to let out

As i look up to the endless sky
wondering what's out there
asking the universe why
what is my purpose of being here?

Trash my room not going to believe one more lie
asking myself did they have justification for doing so?
asking the universe why
deep inside all i want to do is die

As i look at strangers
wandering aimlessly probably asking themselves the very same thing
i sit here asking the universe why???


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  • 19 years ago

    by Hades

    Another brilliant piece, you are a scholar in the making! But I do have a suggestion, in the fourth stanza, combine the first two lines to make, "Then these feelings pass, and i let out a sigh"