by BrOkEN dReAMs sEAleD wId a kIsS   Jan 25, 2006

Don't tell me your sorry
don't say I'll be fine
he wasn't your brother
to hell with you he was mine!

don't hold your breathe
as if you didn't know
yea my brother O.DED
thats the end his show

don't tell me it's OK
don't say it's alright
your not the one who walked in
and found him that night

don't say his life was wasted
don't tell me it's a shame
he did it to himself
his the only one to blame

don't tell me how great he was
because it isn't true
he was a drug dealer
what more can you do?

don't say it's a loss
his drugs could of killed your friends
your sons or daughters
it came to an end

he wasn't a good person
he'd stab you in the back
he cheated and stole
affection he lacked

you may wonder why
i am standing here today
at my brothers funeral
his mistakes again we all pay

even though he was a junkie
even though he was a user
he still was my bother
he was not a loser

he always knew where i was
he never gave me any drugs
instead he gave me affection
tons of kisses and hugs

i know he did nothing but cause
my family pain
but theres nothing in cursing him
nothing left to gain

i do hate him
but only for leaving
i wish he'd come back
and put an end to our grieving


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dani

    Such a wonderful poem
    im so sorry if its true! :(

    really really great poem!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by martha shaw

    Sorry to hear, i found my sis dead at the age of 26 leaving two kids behind.
    great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Crystal

    This is really sad. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to my brother. I mean he is on drugs as well and has never made use of his life. Girl, I am so sorry this has happened to you. Great poem with a lot of emotion, it brought a tear to my eye because I thought what if that were my brother, because he is really sweet to me and has never given me any drugs either. Anyway, Sorry, but great poem. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by hannah morgan

    My ex boyfriend ODED so i know how u feel to an extent, as much as i want to forgve him part of me cant becuase he s the one who caused me so much pain. a fair few of my poems are about him. check them out if you want
    take care xx

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