What YOU believe

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Jan 25, 2006

A million years can pass by
The world can break & everyone could die
But there's one thing I won't regret
You're a memory I'll never forget

I could lose everything I've worked for
And become lost even more
But i won't let something behind
I won't let you slip my mind

Words can express a feeling
But actions give more believing
I may have run out of words to say
But I'll still be around for you everyday

I'm not going to stand outside your home
Or follow you alone
I'm still going to live my own way
But probably think of you everyday

I know things didn't go the right way
And i know you didn't know what to say
The words that came out...
Isn't what I'm feeling about

And alls I'm asking is for one thing...
Meet me at home, your heart though you need to bring
Just listen to ONLY me
Let me try to make you see...

We don't have to hang out like we did
You don't have to treat me like your own kid
You don't have to say one word to me
Just let me understand clearly

That you still care for me
And that will always be
No matter what happens you'll always be there
When nobody else will, you'll still care

That's how i will always feel...
It's completely real
And i just really want you to agree
But only say yes, if that's what you believe


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tisha

    I agree that this poem is filled with emotion .Awesome Job!!! I can see exactly where you are coming from with it.Keep up the great work.