Comments : Chose the path...

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Aww hun i like this one alot it's has so much emotion and its very nice written xoox Rach

  • 19 years ago

    by aimee

    Thats awesome, its strong and emotional showing a photo like a story great work!!!


  • 18 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    Your poetry is deep and meaniful to me. i am unique and can see fully. i kind of know where i am going but not fully certain, i know how the world works just from abserving, i see mans true feature.. it saddens me so because there are truly beautiful people in this world but are mainly unseen by society. i let my instinks take over most of the time as my mind looks around and wonders why, why do people have to be so cruel when all they need is peace and harmony, anyways i am done with my insite. ttyl


  • 18 years ago

    by Savanha

    Nice way to get ur message out...!