A Simple Wish

by Unknown2Thyself   Jan 25, 2006

A simple wish is really all I want,
of a loving, caring father in my life.
A hug and kiss every night before bed,
a loving smile when I achieve something great.

A simple wish is really all I want,
of a dad who really cares about me.
Who holds my hand when we cross the street,
and protects me from the hateful glares and words.

A simple wish is really all I want,
of a dad like all the other kids have.
Someone to hold me close when I have a nightmare,
and someone to tell me stories about their past.

A simple wish is really all I want,
I don't ask for much but a dad.
Someone to be part of my life,
all I want is a simple wish!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Cuddles

    The ending was maybe a little weak but it doesn't detract from the excellency of the poem so I still give you 5/5. Nice job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lucy Lewin

    Thank you for the comment on my poem.
    I really like this poem. 5/5 :)
    x3 Lucy

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