Only a memory

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Jan 25, 2006

Look at my best friend
We did everything together
And until the very end
We promised to be together forever

Every single minute
Of every single day
I live my life with him in it
It is unbelievable, what else can i say?

The smile on my face
Has his name all over it
To keep happiness in this place
HIM i have to be with

Through all the days
When i couldn't stop crying
The end-less phase...
He made me keep trying

I will give my life to my best friend
Every single breath...
And if for any reason this would end
"Heartbreak" will be the cause of my death

Look at my best friend
We use to do everything together
And now we reached the end
It was such a short forever...

I'd give everything for him
But that changed quickly
My heart, my soul, or a limb
I'd do anything to just keep him with me

He's with someone new now
I'm all alone
And I'm trying to figure out how
To make a new home

He use to be my best friend
Now he's just an enemy
I wish i could just pretend...
But now you are only a memory


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