Comments : I am....

  • 19 years ago

    by Void

    Lol you're right I don't quite understand this as it's quite random statements about who you are or what you think about (Etc). But I am guessing that you followed the instructions well and got out exactly whatyou were meant to get out. Usually if I don't get someones poem, I move on and comment on another poem of theirs, but unfortunately something is making me unable to access the comment part of love poems, and you only have 3 other love poems left, so this is the only choice I have. I just wanted to tell you that I did just learn alot about you, and it seems your point got out wonderfully. It was very descriptive with some of yours feelings; thus, it was a good poem. Keep up the good work, and I will be sure to come and take alook later on to give you some more comments. :)