Discrimination of Mind

by Macabre   Jan 26, 2006

all of these things,
lead to your cage,
you will be locked,
no use running,
you\'ll never even score.

You\'ll the one track,
three times four,
soon you\'ll see-
you\'ve been down this road, before.

The lies, the teasing,
the bullying fate,
you are mean unto others,
to close your own gate.

The gate to your cage is bound with wire,
Dropped in a barren wasteland,
where assasins are for hire.

They are the bullys,
the ones we all hate,
hired by others-
to discriminate you,
to make fun of you,
to pound you and beat you,
words are like razors,
they cut the soul,
bleeding deep thoughts,
they pour on the mole,

The mole on your face- they all made fun of,
the way you ate,
it all led to hate,
in the end to say,
one thing only,
I wish for a life,
i dont want to be a phony.

I dont want to be this phony inside,
who hates all who i come aside,
mocking and teasing all that is good,
no reason to do all i\'ve done,
just for a laugh or chuckle or pun.
I try not to make fun,
but my efforts come to none,
I dig my own hole- my own confining cage,
forever to withold,
my echoing rage,
echoing rage,
against the world,
against the violent acts,
which we all cause,
against the discriminating remarks,
that we all say and state.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Stabbylou

    You write so well, an amazing heartfelt poem... Well done, take care