I Lost my dad and this is the story

by Chelsea   Jan 26, 2006

This summer I lost my dad
Him and I werent that close
We were on vaction to vist his family
he had just been released out of the psyc ward for trying to commit suicide
he wasnt talking his medication then
I remember that night as if it was yesterday
he was in the room next to me
It was 4:50 when i was awoken by his worsining cough
I lied in bed and listened to him not being able to breath
my grandma was awake standing next to him
she left the room to get dressed to take him to the hospitle
it was when she came back i heared her scream and by the sound in her voice i knew somthing was bad
it wasnt till my grandma yelled \"stay with me eddie\" that i rose from my bed and went to check
when i got to the room and saw him my grandma was attempting CPR incorrectly
he wasnt breathing his neck and face were as blue as the sky
I stood watching her with a blank expression
she told me to call 911
so I did and I said to them my dad is dying he can\'t breath come now
5 minutes has passed he still wasnt breathing my grandma yelled for me to wait outside for the
ambulance so I did I ran across my Grandmas yard and her neighbooors yard and hopped a fence to track down the ambulance
I think he was dead before they even got there I watched them pump air into my dads cold body...my aunt had came to my grandmas house and she saw him and screamed like i never saw her scream before
at this point i wasnt crying I shead a tear or two because i felt like a had to...he was driven to the hospitle and the rest of his family meet us there they put us in a room and we were waiting for the longest time so my uncle went to check on how he was he came back in to the room and gave that face i will never forget and shook his head and it was then i bursted out in tears the next three days i was in a fog and i was really sick i slept for 3days street while i was there i had a fever of 103 and it didnt seem like reality it felt like some sick dream and i never thought it could have happened to me it still hasent fully clicked that my dad is gone forever and its not untill those certin occasions like his birthday or christmas that I light a candle and cry my eyes out untill theres nothing left


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    Trust me i know what your going through,my dad didint die like that but it was something close, And it does take awhile for u to realize u wont ever see him again its been three going on four years since my dad and it still seems like yesterday...

  • 19 years ago

    by yessie

    Wow very sad you had me crying
    all in all it was very good

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea

    Hey Chelsea- guess who???
    This poem is awsome i wish you were able to speak to me the way you do to paper! You are an AMAZING girl and have a lot to give....to start giving

  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    Hey is this chelsea stevens? this is danielle rafferty! i really liked this poem... and to write it so every one can see it.. u must have guts.. so i cant wait to see what u come up with nexted..

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    I didnt rank u 5 for ur dad dieing its that u had the gutts to put it on here!! i think your dad would be very proud of u right now!!