If i could read her mind

by brian stryker   Jan 26, 2006

If i could read your mind, oh how great that\'d be. To see what you were thinking, when you looked at me.

Are you staring cause i\'m weird, & have a funny accent? Or are you looking with your heart, for love & for passion?

Do i seem very strange, & foerign to this land? Or do you have a seceret love, & want to hold my hand?

When i talk do you listen, even though i speak a diffrent language?
Can you really tell, that i think you are amazing?

Do you look at me, they way i look at you? Hopeing for your love, praying it is true.

I\'m much to shy & scared, to let you know how i feel. I\'m scared that you won\'t love me back, when the truth\'s revealed.

I know that i am diffrent, more than your used to. Which is why i\'m way to scared, to make that first move.

If i could read your mind, & find out it were true. That\'d give me the courage, to come up & talk to you.

For now it\'s up to you, I leave our fate inside your hands. But if i could read your mind, I\'d probably take the chance.


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  • 19 years ago

    by RadianceInReverse

    Very Good Brian I really liked it alot..and i understand the shy thing...JOC

  • 19 years ago

    by RadianceInReverse

    Very Good Brian I really liked it alot..and i understand the shy thing...JOC

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Very nice poem, well written. Go for it, be confident and speak from the heart. You cant go wrong with speaking from the heart. Great job, you deserve a 5.

    Good luck

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