Suicide child

by amy   Jan 26, 2006

Sitting on the floor
my wrists covered in red
laughing histarically
at how much i bled
i\\\'m feeling even weaker
then i did an hour a go
mommy i\\\'m killing myself
i thought that this you should know
my eyes are slowing closing
my skin is covered in pain
slicing and slicing
all over, again and again
slowly but surley dieing
leaving it all behind
my life of shit, and endless crap
is how it is all defined
i\\\'m sorry i had to do this
but mommy it is all you
i\\\'m killing my self mommy
for all the shit that you puy me through
i\\\'m flat out on the ground now
bleeding that last little bit
my body so cold and numb
feeling as if i\\\'ve been hit
all i can see is black mommy
o wait you\\\'re coming in the door
look over here fast mommy
scream, cuz i\\\'m dead ont eh floor
so now you come running over
to my body covered in red
well i\\\'m sorry it\\\'s too late mommy
i seem to already to dead
i hope you live your life now
like you always wasnted to do
don\\\'t act like you didn\\\'t see this coming
don\\\'t act like you didn;t have a clue
you knew this from the begginig
you knew this from the start
you knew that i had hated you
you knew i wanted to part
you knew right from the moment
that i held that knife
that, that would be my weapon
i would use to take my life...

this is not a true story or n e thing.. but i have alot of friends that resolve to cutting and i just tried to pout myself in their shoes and feel how they feel... of course i will never actaully know whow they feel but i just want them to know that i am here for them anytime they need to talk or w/e...


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  • 18 years ago

    by HowCanIGetOut

    I really like your poem that is how i fell most of the day,almost killing myself.well that was a really good peom cant wait to read more of them.
    bye Brittanee

  • 19 years ago

    by Savannah Spoons

    Your poem was amazing. Your talent i one of a kind.

  • 19 years ago

    by Amy

    Thas was absolutely brilliant!! You convey your feelings VERY well. Please don't do what you wrote the poem about. Contact me if you ever want to talk.
    Amy xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by heather

    Wow that was really good. i really like it

  • 19 years ago

    by Thesoftdarkness

    Wow...very good