by ATLbabe   Jan 26, 2006

Im sorry for the times that i wasn\'t there
and im sorry for the times when it seemed like i didn\'t care
i love you girl but you make that hard for me
you treating me like a boy that you think in the end is going to leave
we have been friends for so long so why all of a sudden are things starting to go wrong
i will always be here for you like i have before
but like you said it is you choice on whether or not you want to walk through that door
after all those after all those memories when we would lie laugh and cry
after all those times i thought we were almost going to say goodbye \'
i have always everythimed learned a lesson in life
never put your man infront of your gurl
cause in the end she willl be the one to help fix your world
don\'t lie just because you don\'t want to see her cry
cause in the ends it will hurt her more to the fact that you had lied
don\'t say things that in the end you will regret
especially if it means the world to you to not see her upset
girl ive love you till now and will love you forever
but im not always going to be the one to say im sorry first \'
but girl remember im here for you aas long as you let me be
but don\'t always be so hard headed to see
that no boy gone love you more than your gurl


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  • 18 years ago

    by cutytothebuty

    U guys are halerious! seriously!
    like its so funny how u both write how much you love eachoher, and i know that you do...
    whnever i worte a poem about me being scared of losing my gurl, my bff would get all upset n mad...and that led us to no where..
    so girls dont ever fight over stuipid poems cus i know u mean so mcuh more to each opther and you are just scared to lose such a precious thing....

    and the poem is amazinggg!!

    best wishes,


  • 19 years ago

    by JAB

    Hey gurl look gurl by the sound of ur quotres and peoms it sounds like u r thinking ur gona lose me well u know damn well it aint even like that