Comments : JENNIFER

  • 19 years ago

    by JAB

    Hey gurl look gurl by the sound of ur quotres and peoms it sounds like u r thinking ur gona lose me well u know damn well it aint even like that

  • 18 years ago

    by cutytothebuty

    U guys are halerious! seriously!
    like its so funny how u both write how much you love eachoher, and i know that you do...
    whnever i worte a poem about me being scared of losing my gurl, my bff would get all upset n mad...and that led us to no where..
    so girls dont ever fight over stuipid poems cus i know u mean so mcuh more to each opther and you are just scared to lose such a precious thing....

    and the poem is amazinggg!!

    best wishes,
