Angelic Eyes

by Till Death Do Us Part   Jan 26, 2006

With their watchful eye high in the sky
They never miss those getting high
The people get high and make those cry.

Those people so heartless so cruel.
Only looking for someone to duel.
with their fist up high They look like fools.

They pick on the children smaller than them and think they it's cool.
But really all it is doing is making them look like a fool.
They think they are cool throwing children in the pool.

Not caring not wondering "What if they are hurt?"
Only if they could notice the blood on the shirt.
They would start to panic and ask "Are you hurt?"

They ask those in the sky for forgiveness.
But like those they hurt they give no forgiveness.
those in the sky act as nothing really happen..and give no forgiveness.

So that day the ones that get high.
That day they learned that they could die by getting high.
And those in the sky will watch them fly in the sky.

So they learned that getting high and being a fool.
was not that fun and never made them cool.
And those they threw in the pool are now throwing them in the pool. .

They learned that life in the sky.
could teach them to fly.
And possibly teach them to cry.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Katie

    "To scream these wonderful disruptions of soul."

    Love the name, SWEETIE!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Katie

    Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiii Max!!!!

    Its me.. but of course you don't know who "me" is .... its katie! write me back ya loser!

  • 18 years ago

    by SADADDY

    Wow, I really liked this poem it had such meaning behind it. You truely ave written a wonderful poem. May your heart be filled with peace and joy youngman.


  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole

    This is an amazing poem. well done. 5/5 ur a talented writer...keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by christina marie

    ILY Maaaaaximus.
    E-mail me sometime, yeah? :(
