
by Anthony   Jan 26, 2006

The party rocked!
I'm popular.
The only thing I Ididn't
have was her.

She was sitting down,
On the sofa alone.
With just a party hat,
And hair full of silly foam.

I wanted to meet her,
To be her company.
But as soon as I started,
A bunch of people crowded me.

When they finaly dispersed,
I looked for where she sat.
But All I could see was,
In her place, the party hat.

I picked it up,
Sat down on the couch.
Spent the rest of the night
Playing Oscar the grouch.

When everyone left,
And I was alone.
I saw that I'd been sitting
On mystery girl's phone!

Just then it rang,
And I answered "Hello?"
She said she lost her phone,
It was my chance to glow.

I met her at her home,
And she thanked me for her phone.
I asked her name.
Her name was Simone.

Simone died that night.
She'd broken her neck and back.
She fell down the stairs,
Putting on her party hat.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Atomic

    Haha, I can't believed she dies because she was geting her party hat.

    How silly, nicely done though.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    OMG, I've come and read this a few times and never left a comment, shame on me... I love it Anthony.... you met the challenge Sunny set. Wonderful write, amazed with the ending, just goes to prove, if you don't clean up your mess, you could get hurt (or die)...... lol

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha

    Nicely done... I really liked it... well written, flowed beautifuly and was amazing.. keep it up


  • 19 years ago

    by xDryTearsx

    That was ironic .. o.O
    Lol it was really good
    I didnt expect her to die . x.x
    Sheesh meanie. >.<
    Just kidding! lol
    great job.

  • 19 years ago

    by rocker666chick

    This is a crazy poem I like the part where she breaks her back