A Hell of Eternity

by Macabre   Jan 26, 2006

On that night,
we foretold,
our death so bold,
on that board,
of witch's craft,
we sat down,
into Satan's lap.

Our eternity it seems,
will last in this,
this hellish nightmare,
we cause innith,
innith our minds,
we cause the thought,
the thought turns distraught,
our ways turn wicked,
and then it would seem,
that all goes to quicked.

From the moment we think,
those harsh evil thoughts,
tis not long,
before not goes to not,
and all eventually,
comes to an end,
for him and her,
and you my good friend.

We'll last here forever,
never die out,
causing torment,
from us we all sent,
we release our hatred,
unto the world,
causing pain,
our minds all a swirl,
but when not comes to not,
they will all rot,
in memoir of eternity,
i say this to maternity....

Raise your children well,
as they are young,
teach them to love,
and give kindness among,
if not we will see,
not but tragedy,
in this world of hate,
of immortal fate,
so teach them to love,
so that we just might change,
the world as it was,
and see new days,


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  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Really good poem
