I just wish

by Gretchen   Jan 26, 2006

Ever since that day, I've gone on with my ways
I've tried to move on, to show nothing was wrong
Inside always crying, wishing I was dying
Asking why can't you see, just what you mean to me

I imagine your face, im taken to a new place
We are happy, smiling and sappy
No fighting, no arguing
Just me and you, on clouds so blue

I took it for granted, those things I always wanted
You gave me your all, what I could give was just too small
It wasn't enough, I guess I wasn't the right stuff
I just wish you would agree, we are meant to be

This was just something I put together one night trying to put my emotions on paper. Let me know what you think


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  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    Did you make this for somebody that broke your heart or some that never noticed it in the first place?

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    Im not critising as i can seed this is new to u and that it is quite good but i just wanna say if ur gonna write with feeling it would sound way better if u pour ur soul into it like ur other poem, for me in this one u seem a bit distant. also u dont have to rhyme u can if u want to but a gd poem isnt neceserily rhyme but also feeling, meaning and the way it comes accross. rhyme doesnt matter as long as it flows.

  • 19 years ago

    by Hareem

    I really like the simple flow, esp. the last stanza.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jonathan

    It's a very good poem but i think if you could make the feelings a bit more motionel i could be good. if you understand what i mean. 4/5

  • 19 years ago

    by AllHailTheHeartbreaker

    I liked the flow of emotion -- the longing & realization. Good job. Keep it up.

    Forever & Always~ Kate

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