Comments : Sorry is never Enough (explains why I am tainted)

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    This poem is really good
    i am so sorry about what happened
    this is such a sad poem that it almost made me cry
    wonderful write
    love always

  • 19 years ago

    by Riffy

    This was such a sad poem, it was filled with so much emotion that I didn't even notice the tears...the ay you worded it made it such a powerful poem. I'm so sorry you had to go through with it, and I hope that past has made you stronger.

    Lots of love,
    Riffy xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    My God hunni, this story/poem made me cry, it hit my heart so hard....This is my story, it really is, I am just still with my boyfriend, though he knows all about my hurt and pain. He is always there for me, without him I would be dead by now....from all of the suicide attempts. God this is sad, I am glad that you are able to move on, though he belongs to your heart:

    She can't see what the future will hold
    But she has decided now to life and grow old
    Using the rest of her time attempting to repent
    For all the years of her life ill-spent

    Made me smile through the tears, cause I know that at least one person don't have to go through the same pain as me every day, I am so glad that you are doing so much better sweety....You know that I am always here for you, no matter what!!! Love ya girl

  • 19 years ago

    by Kyle Schulz

    Wonderfull, marvelous, spectacular. All of your fears, emotions, pains rolled up into a truely moving experience. I can't relate with you as much as the other commenters because I believe I have a good life and I have never been a cutter but just from this I thank whatever astronomical being up there for being born into a life where I didn't have to do that. I feel so strongly for you and I fear for you also. If you ever need someone to talk to, me might not know each other or have even met but I am here for you.

  • 19 years ago

    by Kyle Schulz

    Wonderfull, marvelous, spectacular. All of your fears, emotions, pains rolled up into a truely moving experience. I can't relate with you as much as the other commenters because I believe I have a good life and I have never been a cutter but just from this I thank whatever astronomical being up there for being born into a life where I didn't have to do that. I feel so strongly for you and I fear for you also. If you ever need someone to talk to, me might not know each other or have even met but I am here for you.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Very well written peice, full of feeling and well expressed.

    the story was written very clearly making it easy for the powerful emotions you it coontains to be noticed. really a great poem. a very sad story though.

  • 19 years ago

    by J Lau

    It's ironic that I have to praise on such a sad part of your life, but a piece that is so well written. Your poem is so powerful and emotional... only because it came from your heart. I hope that life is a lot brighter for you now cause there's a lot more to life. Learn and treasure the past and move on. Keep up your great work!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Ok i would like to say that was amazing. i enjoyed every mintue of it. i was intranced by the poem great job. hun.
    Emma 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    Aww this is so sad, but so amazingly well written. You pen down the words so nicely, that I feel like I am dancing to a slow dramatic song...and I love that feeling. I hope life has made a turn for you and you are no longer in such a dreadful state. Stay strong and keep it up! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    This poem was so good! I actually started to cry while I was reading it. There was so much emotion in it. I loved every single line of it. It is one of the best poems i've read. You are so talented. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by lana

    wow grl
    you have been though too much in your life
    i hope you are stronger now
    you write beautiful poems that come from your heart

    i loved it
