My Dream

by Shannon   Jan 27, 2006

I'm sitting in my classroom
And the noise is so loud
But suddenly everything is silent
People's mouths are still moving
But no noise is coming out
The silence is soon broken
By the sound of the seconds on my watch ticking away
Getting louder and louder
Reminding me I'm still here
The ticking stops and I now hear my heart beating
The beats are getting slower and slower
Suddenly I black out
When I open my eyes again I'm in my bathroom
There is now a new sound
It sounds like water dripping
I look down and realize it's not water
It's the blood dripping from my wrist
The dripping gets faster and faster
I smile knowing my life will soon end
I'm too weak to stand now
I start to fall
But just before I hit the floor
I hear a loud bell
I look up and realize it was all a dream
I slowly get up and leave the classroom
Wishing I could just go back to my dream


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  • 19 years ago

    by like_it_dirty

    Wow that was good.. kinda weird but still good.. hope you really didnt dream that because that would be crazy!! but your poem was good.. cYa ~D~