My Name is Razor Blade

by jennifer   Jan 27, 2006

Take my hand
I'll lead you there
I'll relieve you from
pain and despair

So come with me
Into the depths of hell
and together we'll ring
the devil's bell

Don't be afraid
I am your friend
and ill lead you to meet
the perfect end

Just pick me up
Ill do the rest
Shall we put your misery
to the test

You hate your life?
thats why I'm here
so come with me
to quite your fear

It wont last long
I'm kind and cruel
I'm not a weapon
I am a tool

So use me well
I beg you please
To end your sorrow
And life's cruel tease

So do this simple task
Ill help you, I'll be nice
What is my name you ask
I say

My name is Razor Blade


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  • 19 years ago

    by pain is me

    This is so feels as if you were reading my thoughts. keep up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Nikki McKay

    I really liked this poem...keep it up...peace

  • 19 years ago

    by Lucy Lewin

    This poem is very catchy. I really like it. I've felt this way so many times before. Sometimes it seems like it's the only way out. Keep writing, this poem is really good.