
by .+*Jess*+.   Jan 27, 2006

I fell asleep one night
My body was still in my bed
But I was in a different world
The world of dreams and nightmares

I walked the wrong way
And I got into a nightmare
I didn't worry about it too much
My body would wake up soon

But I didn't keep an eye on my watch
And my body woke up without me
I didnt get back to it in time
So I was stuck in my nightmare

I was stuck in a world I hated
And I think I might still be there
No one to give me sympathy
No shoulder to cry on

No beautiful flowers
They are now gone
And the sun is gone
Replaced by the moon

The happy laughs
Turned into sarcastic ones
And the love gone
Replaced by hate and agony

I used to have life in my eyes
Now they are lifeless
And they stare at emptiness
Will I ever find my body and go back to the beautiful world


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  • 19 years ago

    by mier

    Great poem.... i like the way you explore the fears of nightmares..