I\'m More Than Just Another Girl

by *fading*away*   Jan 27, 2006

Iâ??m more than just another girl
Iâ??m more than another figure staring out of the bus
Iâ??m a girl so broken up inside,
A girl out to find her destiny

I donâ??t know what Iâ??m made for,
I donâ??t know why Iâ??m here, being me
I donâ??t know so many things
And yet Life jut goes on
Without me

Itâ??s not easy to be me
Itâ??s not easy to hold my head up high
When deep inside, my heartâ??s bleeding
Itâ??s not easy to pretend your Lifeâ??s OK
When nothing goes right and the hurt doesnâ??t go away

I donâ??t know why
I donâ??t get a choice

I donâ??t know why
Life has to change
And never come back

I wish that I could cry
Open my arms and embrace the hurt
I wish that I could fall
Break down my wall
And let the hurt take over me

I want to go back to the past
When everything felt just right
But that was a long time ago, once upon a time
And somehow I know those days are never coming back for me

And if I had a chance to live my life differently,
Yes, I would have
But now itâ??s just too late
All I can do I s act like I donâ??t care
And try to pretend everythingâ??s fine

Even when nothing is.


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