Comments : Laughing

  • 19 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    I liked it! It was very funny, and i liked how you kept the reader baffled, and wanting to read on, because i know that i did! Oh, and i read your comment on my poem A WAR WAS FAUGHT. I didn't really get what you meant. Please comment again, and restate the question. 5/5! Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShaeBaeBae

    I liked it! It was very funny, and i liked how you kept the reader baffled, and wanting to read on, because i know that i did! Oh, and i read your comment on my poem A WAR WAS FAUGHT. I didn't really get what you meant. Please comment again, and restate the question. 5/5! Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    This is good, the way that you read though not quiet knowing what the laugher is and it slowly gets peiced together as you go though. very good