I fell asleep last night, and awoke in a dream,
Finding myself away from thee,
I walked miles and miles, with the path I had chose,
I found myself standing in front of a rose.
A rose in the middle of a desert in my dream.
Was this some kind of mocking scheme?
I picked up that rose, and it withered away,
"Is this to happen to my love someday?"
As I said this I heard a voice from the heavens above,
"This is not your fault, it is the heart of your love.
She has placed this rose in a desert of sorrow,
Trying to stop herself from loving tomorrow.
No matter how you try it would have died,
So do not cry for she has lied,
To your heart all of this time,
She thought to get away with this crime.
So look into your heart and find yourself,
She has cut into your soul, and stolen your health.
I am not here to hurt you but guide the way,
So your heart does not end this fateful way."
I cried back, "What will happen to my soul mate?
Is this to be her only true fate?"
I heard nothing from the voice about the path you chose.
I awoke instantly to find that withered away rose,
And I knew right then that this is the path you chose.