by AlexPotter   Jan 27, 2006

I sit here alone
just thinking of you
thinking that i should
have done more for you.

Maybe, if i never gave up
we'ed still be talking on the phone.
Maybe, if would have told you i loved you one more time
i wouldn't be sitting here all alone.

I miss you like crazy
I keep you off my mind.
I cry myself to sleep
every day and every night.

I all i want
is to hear your sexy voice
and to be with you for ever
i've decieder to make this my choice.

You need to believe
that i love you with all my heart.
And i promise that if you come back
no one or anything will ever tear us apart.



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  • 19 years ago

    by james22

    Nice poem, well written, keep up the good work.