Tears will shed when you died

by Rosechild   Jan 27, 2006

You went walking out late at night,
The stars were out and the moon was bright,
Nothing in your mind,
Not thinking of the time,
You walked across the road,
Shivering because of the cold,
Suddenly a light shone bright,
Then you were out of sight,
The car had hit you and you die,
The driver went on not a single tear did he cry,
In the mourning I found you died on the floor,
I stood frozen by the door,
Everyone pasted you without a glance,
You were never given a second chance,
Your life was taken without a choice,
In this world no one will hear you voice,
Some one somewhere is missing you now,
Not knowing you got killed somehow,
Tears will fall when that person finds out your dead,
You went for a walk and ended up dead,
Pain will be inside that persons heart,
Knowing for some time you'll be apart,
That person will wish you never died,
Many days that person will cry,
Shedding many tears,
Wishing this wasn't real,
Wondering if you felt much pain,
Your blood shall leave a stain,
But maybe you were always alone,
You never had a home,
You cryed every day,
You never had a place to stay,
So if no one Crys that your dead,
I'll be the one crying instead,
I'll cry from deep in my heart,
even though i didn't know you from the start,
I'll cry this very day,
because your gone far away.

* It might not see like it but I'm talking about a dead cat.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dani Ward

    Don't you just hate finding a cat has been hit by a car. this poem does a great job of capturing what it's like. good job. ciao~lyn