Grime Made Clean

by Forsaken Redeemer   Jan 27, 2006

I have a dream which will never be realised,
For it is too great and common a dream to be truly seen,
But it is still something which angers so many people today,
A repeat of the past from years already been.

You see, there are so many people who live in pain,
So many people who could be helped so easily,
But they are confined to their horrible lives,
Because those who could help them won't do so freely.

People live in hate and war, with guns pointed over their children's heads,
Famine, poverty, squalor, fighting and death,
This is an everyday occurrence for these people,
Corruption spreading through their lives with each and every breath.

And so the leaders, the men with the power,
Say that they're doing everything they can and spread the lie,
And it is true that some help is given, but not nearly enough,
So parents, children, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives, must watch their family die.

And so they will continue to live like this
Until someone will understand what needs to be done,
Until someone reads the worlds history again
And sees that this is merely another war to be won.

But we will use no guns and we will have no fights,
And this poverty will become simply another thing of the past, grime made clean,
And maybe, just maybe, people won't have to drink the dirty water,
Die from deprivation, and my dream will finally be seen.

© Copyright of Holly Nia Goodson


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Holy smokes... I don't even know what to say. This poem is incredible and flawless, and you should be very proud of it =) Keep up the excellent writing hun!

  • 19 years ago

    by never_quite_me

    Good poem:) are you going to enter it in the competition thing? i think you should do:) xxx