Comments : We {were} crazy in loveX3

  • 19 years ago

    by nO1cOmPaReS2yOu

    Hayy yaw...
    so my boyfriend & i broke up the other day, & neither one of us really know's what happend, but we decided just to be friends...& I hate, it, because I love him... x\3. Back two yrs ago we dated & that ended REALLY wrong b/c i was a total butt-head (sorry but no bad language...) & n0w he still calls me n all, actin like we're friends, but we get around certain people & suddenly I'm a big bad b****. i don't get it, but it suckS!

    well, this isn't really a comment but I needed to vent

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Hahah i love your comment about the guys and stalls..Classic..thats hiliarious..but im not like other
    excellent must like writing short poems..but u have a nack for it and your great at it..keep it up
    ttyl sometime
    ~The Poet~