Someone So Fat

by lonelynow   Jan 27, 2006

Walking on snow without leaving a footprint
Stepping through debris without leaving a hint
Traveling through life leaving no impact
The perfect dream for someone so fat

Fading away, just fading away
Here last week, gone today
You can't see me I'm in the background
Hiding, always hiding, don't want to be found

Invisibility sounds like the perfect way out
Any easy way to erase every doubt
You can't see me, can't see how fat I've become
Chocolates, cake, sweets? Yum Yum Yum

I'm fat, just fat, get used to it
Now there's simply more of me to hit
My names Rebecca, binging is my game
Look i gained a stone; what a shame

But the fat's slowly dropping off me
Flesh is waning can't you see?
Every thing's happening so fast
Soon I'll be just bones at last

Walking on snow without leaving a footprint
Stepping through debris without leaving a hint
Traveling through life leaving no impact
The perfect dream for someone so fat

**please please comment and vote**


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hey Brittknee

    This poem is exactly how i've felt throughout my entire life.

    I suffer ednos also

    Thank you for this poem


  • 18 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    WOW. so i love it. :( It's sad but sooo true.

  • Hey I loved it!! good job!!! :) keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Avellana

    You ever wanna talk bout this i be here. Feeling like this. it gets rough sometimes. :)

    Awesome opening verse.

    Lv A, xx

  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha Jayneee

    Wowowow, really really good. i especially love the last stanza.. the last 2 lines are really powerful.
    well done