What it takes for some to smile

by Chelsey   Jan 27, 2006

If we were living in a world of black and white
Would these killings stop in the middle of the night?

If color could no longer be seen
What would be in the eyes of every teen?

If and so we were all one sex
Perhaps rapeings would stop, what would be next?

If all sharp objects were removed from Earth
Would people stop harming themselves and feel some worth

Perhaps if people were in their right minds
Teachers wouldn’t have sex with students all the time

Maybe if the news was filled with happy thoughts
The tears that we’ve cried could have already been caught

Maybe if people turned to God for every need
People wouldn’t be homeless, no more mouths we’d have to feed

I’m a 14 year old girl, scared for the next years
Because every time I watch the news it brings me to tears

So after watching world events what do we say?
No one can reassure us everything will be ok

How do we hold on with our heads held down?
A crack of the lips turns to a frown

What exactly does it take for someone to smile?
We used to cry in happiness at the birth of a child

Do I need to say a joke to get you to laugh?
To make someone smile I have to give all I have

We watch the news and bite our nails
The only happy family member is our dog wagging its tail

So what does it take for you to smile I ask?
And if and so you do smile, how long will it last?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Very inspirational write Chelsey, loved this piece.

    love ya, Ann

  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    I know babes the big world and reality is the scariest thing - wait till you have kids of your own and that fear intensifies a thousand times over. WOW Im like you though very overwhelmed with what the world ad human race has become today, it makes me scared but it also makes me ashamed. I think the worst part of it all is that each individual person really believes they cannot make a different but how wrong they are. I guess im over trying to change the entire world or make it a better place, maybe that comes with age but bubba titta. What I do concentrate on changing and or improving is my life as a person, and the lives of those around me (friends and family) because at least that way I know I have reached my hand to someone, and helped at least one person thru a tough time in there lives.
    Now if we ALL proactively tried something like this wouldnt the world be a better place just based on that principal?
    LOVED THIS PIECE obviously lol

  • 19 years ago

    by *Melanie*

    I loved this poem!! it's really beautiful, you are such a great writer : ) amazing! : )

  • 19 years ago

    by rar

    This is a good poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Steph

    I'm 14 myself and I often wonder what tomorrow will bring. Just enjoy life and try to live everyday to it's fullest!!
    Great Poem!