The story of my brother... May he rest in peace!

by Jessica   Jan 27, 2006

It was a warm August night,
I was asleep and thought everything was alright.

Tomorrow was big brothers birthday and we'd have fun,
But what do you do when you wake
up and big brother is gone?

I asked mommy where brother's cake was and why she didn't bake it,
Mommy said Matt was in a car crash and didn't make it.

I thought she was kidding until I noticed that look in her eye,
I fell to the ground and simply started to cry.

I couldn't believe the stories I heard,
Everyone talked so much crap but I never said a word.

Ever since that night I've been asking god why,
Why my brother and why make us all cry?

Was Matthew a bad boy or was it something that his little sister did,
Was it his bad behavior or all those vegetables I hid?

God why did you have to hurt mommy,
And why did you have to take Matthew from me?

Why was it my brother who had to die,
And why was it us you chose to make cry?

I miss my brother he was just to young,
And I've always wanted to know did he punish Matthew for the things I've done wrong!


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  • 18 years ago

    by yessie

    Good pome keep your head up

  • 19 years ago

    by Nahibi Maldonado

    I'm very sorry for your brother, but he should be proud of this poem you made for him. It really show you loved himm and cared for him. 5/5 on this poem!