I am ...............

by DevilWithin   Jan 28, 2006

I am...

I'm a normal teenager who has her own problems
I have problems like depression and self harm
but I'm trying my hardest to deal with my pain
Most of the days I'm honest some days not

Some days I feel like I want to scream and cry
because I make my days so bad and horrible
I like reading books about solving the mystery
I tend to be a quiet person but then I'm not

I love to write poetry way to express myself
I love reading poetry way to know I'm not alone
I love to write poetry about hard times and death
I just love poetry I hope to get better in time

I'm trying to find out what I want in this life
so then someday I'll get read of this knife
that has been abusing me for months
I hope in time to get better and be alright

but like I said I'm a normal seventeen year old
who has her moods staying rapidly the same
I get angry and happy and depressed even blue
but thats just me and my own little life here

I am who I am sorry you can't changed me
but I can try and change myself for the better
and have friends and family help me on the way
I am who I am you are who you are and thats great

(C) DevilWithin


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  • 18 years ago

    by Whisper

    Rachy writes so well! I likes it 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ToxicSpookyAngel

    Great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Unforgiven Retniap doolb

    Good poem you might want to read it over to check for spelling and such but still I really liked it.......keep writing and stay strong..

  • 19 years ago

    by Amber Dawn

    WOW..... that was really good i liked it lots and lots! keep up the good work!!!! =)

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