If ever....

by Athan   Jan 28, 2006

If ever a person is to discover true love
If ever a person is to move on up above
If ever a person is to find their true one
If ever a person is to reach the sun
If ever a person were to pet a unicorn
If ever a person is to find a rose with one thorn
If ever a person is to climb the tallest mountain
If ever a person were to drink from the magical fountain
If ever a person was to swim the ocean blue
If ever a person the person would be you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    I loved this your so talented and i just love this piece! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by *Amanda*

    I like this, but it just kind of cuts off. it's well done though...good idea to it. keep writing, you'll be really good someday.