Life Through You

by Matters   Jan 28, 2006

"Life Through You"

Colors fade into the web,
As all the dreams and hopes will ebb,
But what's set upon the bank of worry,
Is set upon the bank of fury.

Weaving close, tight to knit,
Doused with flame relied on wit,
If nothing else but dark can win,
Then what is there to douse the sin?

As the needle, along the flow,
Is timed to over under go,
And like the wind throughout the trees,
It never stops to hear her pleas.

So fade along the balanced plight,
To hear the arrogance of night,
And if you let the colors die,
More uncovers than a lie.

Barricade the blacks and grays,
Purify the life you've made,
To signify the blood you've bled,
Dye the warp and weft deep red.

If blues and greens, elusive sound,
Are broken out and laid on ground,
And all the hues of richest gold,
Will die and watch their corners fold.

Transfer what the warp has left,
Take the threads off charring weft,
Burn and scorch the time to be,
To prove what not remains of me.

Take the ashes thrown away,
And take them down a street one way,
For they are not the worthy souls,
Of what has happened to my whole.

Take the stains upon your hand,
And listen now, you'll understand,
For what is left is left for now,
And make my being live somehow.

Of all the scars for memory,
Become my brand name legacy,
Mold my nose, my mouth, my ears,
Sculpt my face to fight your fears.

Complete my features, all but one,
For these are what can see the sun,
What love can see and not the lies,
Leave my face with all but eyes.

Crossing guards of autumn stare,
They hear the sound but nothing's there,
Silence deafens all who near,
Paralyze my face with fear.

And with my eyes, use your gift,
Your power to the ashes sift,
Take them, listen, make them real,
Make them my emotions feel.

Add in flecks of gold and black,
All but pupils, which I lack,
Blues and greens and whites and reds,
Bring in life into the dead.

Once you make me my own eyes,
Give me strength to realize,
For I am you, created by,
More than ashes in the sky.

For with my eyes, I will see,
More than just a life set free,
I will see through every soul,
And this will make my being whole.

I have lived through someone else,
And they made what I made myself,
And through this time, I know I prove,
I achieved my life from you.

Sorry for n ot doing anything on this site for a while. I'll try to get back to speed!

Votes and comments 1,000x appreciated, usually returned. (Smile.)


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  • 17 years ago

    by NicoleBaby101

    Wow!!!! that was very well written. i give it a 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Soul To Squeeze

    I love ur poems
    i have read some of them
    more than once
    but each time i read them '
    i feel like im reading them
    for the first time
    keep writing you're doing great!

  • 17 years ago

    by Soul To Squeeze

    I love ur poems
    i have read some of them
    more than once
    but each time i read them '
    i feel like im reading them
    for the first time
    keep writing you're doing great!

  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Man, ur still as good as the last time I'm here, I'm really jealous u noe...haha, oh well, ur vocabs is still very powerful, juz luv the words, n young man, if u stl remember wot i said before...publish a book! young man...adios...

  • It' good, the site needs more like you