A Lost Friendship

by Ike Dizzle   Jan 28, 2006

You were a person I looked up to
You believed there was nothing I could not do
It feels like I have been betrayed
By the person help everything go my way
By one of the many people I could talk with
But now my mind feels like it is writhing
I am confused, I have no where to turn
With everyone I talk to, I always seem spurned
Everyday, with someone, I am engaged with a brawl
Just for someone to make me fall
I use to be believe there was only one thing I cherished
But now all that has perished
My trust has been played with for the last time
This friendship has been grimed
Thanks to you there is no one I trust
Remember you are the reason I am combust

(this poem was for my friend who lost all her friends in one day just because)


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    People should take friendship a lot more

  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    They obviously weren't true friends, and she didn't lose you. In life we're not meant to have hundreds of true friends, only a hand full. so tell your friend not to stress!
    i really liked your poem, you did a good job!......luv em