
by stacy   Jan 28, 2006

Sometimes at night when I'm asleep
I don't know it but I usually weep
After what happened I'm just not the same
I think I was a part of his little game

He has a game called *breaking hearts*
I didn't know that I was a part
But now I know that he won
I didn't like it but he had fun

Now when I cry it's because I see your face
You should know that you got first place
I have nightmares every night
When I wake up I turn on the light

It's ok nightmares aren't that bad
Even though they make me sad
I just have to stay away from you
If I do I will not be blue


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by britt

    Wow that was an awesome poem!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Milton

    That was real deep and sad. I'm sure alot of people feel the same way. Good stuff.

  • 19 years ago

    by shygirl

    Keep ur head up if he brings u down ill bring u up when ur sad think of me and all the insane things i do or say i bet u will feel a little happier i love u ur my best of all my best friends and ur the greatest if he cant see that then he isnt worth it keep ur head up girl ur strong u can make it threw cus i have faith in u and i always will