by Aron C   Jan 28, 2006

Why do we die?
why do we lie?
why do we always seen so blue?
why don't we all stay true?
why do we hide our feelings inside?
why don't we cry when loved ones die?
how many WHYS till we all realize that we all die.
we all lie were always blue and were never true.
we all hide our feelings inside and we don't cry when loved ones die. so think before you ask WHY? so know one has to ask WHY..


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  • 18 years ago

    by katie

    Hey m8 tht is a great poem thxs for the comment u put towards my poem... That poem is just really cool 5/5

    Great use of wording m8 check out my other poems xD

  • 19 years ago

    by Alanok Aka Mikee

    Ok i love this one more.

    amazing poem

  • 19 years ago

    by physco

    Wow! awsomeness, that really touched me! 5/5

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