Through the heart

by sarah   Jan 28, 2006

When that sunny day become dull,with pain.
That day soon turned to rain.

You were going to see a mate, along the street.
I never thought it would be death you would meet.

Because the area you were from,
a petty little thing and now you are

When I got the news you had been
stabbed in the stomach,I tried not to think the worst.
I didnt no this was not the first.

We ran along the street, Me and your Mum.
When I saw you lying there, My body went numb.

U told me you couldn't feel your legs,
I still hear your mums pleading beg's.

I held your hands then the ambulance arrived, your mum and me came.
This is when things changed thing s
would never be the same.

You died on arrival.
After begging god for your surrvival.

You didnt even make it in the hospital
The pain that surged through me
was unstoppable.

It was the stab through the heart ,
that caused you to horribly depart.

Now you and my mum have been taken,
Now I pray everynight before, I go to sleep, that I will not waken.



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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by in spite of love

    Thanks,'re really good. ^_^

  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Awww...this is very sorry for what happened...keep your head up...never give up i've tried to many times and its not worth it!!! good luck!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by MethodtotheMadness

    This is so sad! i'm so sorry!