My sole loss

by *rêve_cassé*   Jan 28, 2006

*i don't care what rating i get on this, i just have to let it out, it's theraputic, lots of shit going on*

am i guilty of this sin?
this sin of blocking you
from my mind?

ever since you left
I've died a little each day,
helpless and lost.

i miss what you used
to mean for me and how
you'd kiss my doubts away.

i watch you now
immersed in yourself,
no time for me anymore.

though we're no longer
in the love we used to be
you mean so much still.

if we could just talk
and if i could just cry
i know you'd understand.

i am in love with someone else
and i am sure you as well
but we still need the other.

there is more going on
not your fault at all
but it started with you.

lost love, lost friendship,
lost father, lost mother,
i can't stand it anymore.

lie alone and unloved
under my blanket of doubt
awaiting your help once again.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Iyla

    :( that's really sad gina... i hope every thing goes well i'll see you at skewl ok. if you ever wanna talk about anything or scream or wutever call me. love you darling 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    I liked your poem take care hun sarah xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Fallen Angel~

    I really liked your poem. I gave it a 5 I liked how it flowed and the way you expressed yourself. One thought though I think this poem should be under love, romance under lost love or something or other. but yea I really liked it. If you get a chance check out my poems and tell me what you think. =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    I really liked your poem, I know how you feel because i am sort of going through the same feels as you are. Everyone that i love or trust leaves me too. Good job.. i liked the poem alot.