Comments : Flippin out..

  • 19 years ago

    by Paula

    Sweetie you can say good-bye to it, you can say NO to hurting yourself. YOU CAN! I know you have probably heard this before. I know I have, and you just think no I can't do it and I don't want to because then what is going to happen, if I can't hurt myself to deal with the pain then what the hell is going to happen to me. Well it isn't fun, but you will feel your emotions. For so long I turned to cutting, I turned to purging I turned in all the wrong directions, and you know what I still do, but it does not help me like it use to. So I am not saying that this is all going to go away today and you are going to be able to stop just like that and that you are never going to feel the urge do hurt yourself. I think that is something that really never goes away, but there are days that you will find in the future where you are looking at what you are doing and when the time comes you will see that it no longer works. Please don't get me wrong I am not here to preach to you and tell you to stop because I know that is unrealistic, but what I want you to hear is that what I believe happens with self-harm is that we do it for so long and that is the only thing that is familiar to us, that is how we stop ourselves from feeling the emotions that we don't want to feel or we don't want others to see, we are use to hurting ourselves because it is the easiest and the most familiar it is a lot harder to sit there with your feelings pouring out of your eyes. But one day it could be a month from now, a year, two years, three years from now, but that familiar outlet is no longer a fix. It doesn't work anymore, if we do it we still feel our pain, and we are hurting ourselves on top of it, What happen to my outlet, it is no longer working, that is your body/mind and soul telling you that you have pushed everything down as far as you could and it is no longer allowing you to push that pain down, you have to face it.

    You will be in my thoughts. Please fight with everything you can to resist those urges. YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HURT! YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!
    Take kare sweetie.
    if you every want to talk. Hang in there!