Today he was born

by yessie   Jan 28, 2006

Diego J Ramirez Jan .20. 2006

Today you were born
In the kingdom of heaven
Where the angles cradled you and rejoiced
your coming home
They say you were Gods special
angle so God sent for you.

I prayed this would all be a dream
I prayed your cry’s would wake me
Come morning

I close my eyes and reach out to you
And I picture you there in your bed reaching out for me.
I can see your smile, your long black hair, your laughing my sweet baby.

I don’t understand why you had to leave so soon.
I don’t understand why it had to be you.
I think of all the what if's that go through my head.
Nothing changes I can't bring you home again

I’m screaming inside, my anger eating me alive.
I want to curse the world and point my finger their way.
Who do I blame when 3 fingers point my way .
I dammed the lord and demand an answer for this.
I can't hear him, I cant see him, my heart is cold there for I can not feel him.

I am lost my sweet angel may you help me find my way.
May you watch over us all
that we may some day be as lucky as you
And enter God’s kingdom as you have.

My baby was born Dec.7.2005
God took him Jan.20.2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by deanna

    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I hope your doing alright, my mom use to tell me before she past,"when ever you see a rainbow or the sun streaking out of the clouds know that i'm looking down upon you and protecting you." don't you know i'm always looking at the sky waiting to see her one more time. it helps me thru the depression of not having her here when i most need her. i hope that comforts you alittle to know that your baby is always with you and every once in awhile shows you.

  • 19 years ago

    by candice

    I'm sorry for you loss i hope ur doing okay i dont know the feeling but i know the feeling of a miscariage, sorry for ur loss

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