Old love, new friend

by Gretchen   Jan 28, 2006

When the world turns its back on me
I turn around and you I see
Standing there straight and tall
Wanting to help me through it all
You listen to what I say
And I like it that way

When im feeling really down
You help remove my frown
Just hearing your voice
I know I made the right choice
I trusted you with my heart
It's been that way from the start

We've had bad times it's true
The sky it lost its blue
The world, it seemed so dark
Between us, we lost the spark
I know now you were right
It was time to give up the fight

Yet still we stand, together and strong
Us being friends, is that so wrong?
You said it would be weird
Which is just what I feared
But I know we can work it out
And that, I have no doubt

*Please vote and leave comments for me. The only way I can grow is to know...


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  • 19 years ago

    by J Lau

    Great work! ... It's nice but I think that you may have tried to rhyme it too much. Let your heart flow and just write... poems come in many different forms and does not necessarily have to rhyme.

  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    Oka let me see if I got this right, First you were friends then you go into a relationship now your back to friends? if Im right the this is really good and deserves a 5/5 if im not it is only good and deserves a 5 lol

  • 19 years ago

    by amelia

    Touching ! great work

  • 19 years ago

    by Always4You

    I thought it was wonderful. I love the way it flowed together. Sometimes I have problems getting mine to rhyme just right. Can you read through some of them and let me know what you think? It would be highly appreciated! Thanks!

  • 19 years ago

    by *~*Gina*~*

    I loved it, i can tell it came fom the heart. I really hope things work out. Thanx for commenting on my poem. I hope to see a lot more of your poems. ur a great writer!
    Smile Always,

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