Comments : You and Me

  • 19 years ago

    by Me&You (simply magical)

    This was beautiful as always Justin, you really portrayed how you felt for her!!! I'm sorry i havent written in a while but i've started school again and they've decided to load on the homework but hope you're going ok!!!!
    Love always jess xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by yaRis

    OLa justin...well 1st i wanted to say thanx for readind and commenting on my poem "LETS RUN AWAY". Well also i wanted to tell u once againg that ofcourse i love ur writing and all the emotions u put into them they are beautiful. I just read ur 5 latest poems (change, sumtimes, the story, and u and me and ofcourse this one) i gave u 5/5 in all u deserved it. theres 2 lil things u wrote dat catch my eye cuz i feel like dat:

    I'll always be here for you
    we are never really apart
    Because of the love we share
    so deep in our hearts (FROM DA POEM: US)

    and from this one the whole things...because everytime i said goodbye to my papi he say mostly what is written here about not being sad and about remembering the goodtimes and that' he'll be back! so i love your poem i know how dat feels....well J. i got 2 go imma go read sum more poems....plz keep writing u are great at it i wish u knew spanish so u could read sum of mines, cuz they have the emotions u have in ur poems but in spanish OH WELL stay sweet and take care ciao 5/5 4 ever =)