Blonde Joke dry cleaners

by x..bittersweet..x   Jan 28, 2006

A blonde walks into a dry cleaner with a dress that she wore the previous night.

The washers are spinning insanely loud and the radio is blared on full blast.

The blonde makes her way up to the counter and hands the clerk her dress. She then asks, How long will it take to dry clean my dress?

The clerk motions that he cant hear her because of all the racket of the washers spinning and the loud radio as he examines the state of the dress.

The blonde yells again..How long will it take to dry clean my dress!!?

The clerk motions to her telling her One minute please!..he runs around and turns off all the spinners and unplugs the radio and comes back to the front desk and says to the blonde, Come Again??

She looks around her sheepishly and then back at the people in the line behind her.

Then looks at the clerk and says, No this time its Mustard!

** i keep getting people that dont get it so heres the punch line "CUM AGAIN".."NO THIS TIME ITS MUSTARD" get it now? ** SHEEESH!


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  • 19 years ago

    by andrea

    Umm... i dont get it im sorry please email me and explain