I WANT TO.....

by DevilWithin   Jan 29, 2006

I want to hurt my self so freak-en bad
because I'm feeling so pissed of and sad
I want to strike that little blade of mine
and tell everyone I'm feeling just fine

I want to get out of this messed up life
and keep striking myself with this knife
I want to freak-en run away and fly
run away from here and go and cry

I want to break down and say I'm okay
about everything gone wrong today
I want to love you but I hate you so
when i ask you questions you say no

I want to know why things go wrong
when it does I don't feel very strong
I want to know why I feel depressed
even when things are not stressed

I want to be like a wolf wild and free
I'll catch you where ever you will be
I want to why you hate me so much
is it because I don't keep in touch

I want to know when and how will I die
then I will never now when to try
I want to know do I really need this
or am I just not here like I don't exists

I know this is not as good but it's how I felt today.

(C) Devilwithin


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  • 19 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    Funny how you read poems that tell you exactly how you feel at that spercific time.
    THank you for sharing your talent.

  • 19 years ago

    by .x.HauNt.x.Me.x.

    HeY..ThaNx HeaPs 4 CoMMentin on all my poems..it means a lot.. n soz for not gettin a chance to thank u earlier i havnt been on 4 ages..
    by the way i loved this poem its awesome..u hav talent!!


  • 19 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    Great poem! i hope things get better 4 u! things will seem hard but u will get through it! stay strong! luved the poem 5/5!

  • 19 years ago

    by jess

    Hey rach! great poem. sad tough. i can really relate.

    keep strong
    love jess XXXXXX

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