DeAr DiArY.....ToNiGhTs ThE eNd

by Y0URMY0NLYH0PE   Jan 29, 2006

---> dear diary,
its about 10:30 p.m. and i just loaded myself with pills,
i took about 8 and now im seriously ill.
the only thing that is going through my mind
was all these family fights,
like all of that hitting, and yelling were some of the worst nights.
i sit here cry and suffer with pain
it gets worse and worse...but i still have more to gain.
Now its about 11:00 and i cant move at all,
im getting scared and im starting to bawl.
i didn\'t actually mean anything, those words i said, i truly regret,
mom and dad can we just stop? can we just lay everything off and just forget?
im having a hard time breathing, but daddy doesn\'t seem to care,
he said i shouldn\'t have been a dumb ass, so now i have to suffer with little time to spare.
its about 11:30 and my eyes are shutting, i ask god for one last breath, just do i can tell my friends im sorry for this death.
now its 11:35 and im slowly dying, cuz this is what i wanted so this it what i got


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bl0oDyAnGeLeYeZ

    This poem was good...its pretty much what i want to do and many other ppl..nice job..

  • 19 years ago

    by physco


  • 19 years ago

    by cali

    God i love this. its exactly what i want to do.