Ignorance Is.

by Avellana   Jan 29, 2006

I hate to have to say this
But I really have no choice
I wish that things were different
I miss hearing your voice

But I've given up of wishing
For I've learnt dreams don't come true
Nightmares are the norm
Mostly consisting of you

Cos I wake up and you're not there
You're not even close
And I've gathered you don't care
Or think about me anymore

Not that there'd be any point
But the logics not quite working
My head, it never ruled my heart
So repeatedly tried to break it

This isn't here to blame you
But I still need you to know
That these words I have written here
They're not just for show

I'm reversing back to type
Every time I talk to you
Yes I know it's my fault
But that doesn't help me through

I don't trust my feelings
My instincts, wants or needs
For I'm not quite held together
Not yet fully healed

And every time I remember
I go back two more steps
I miss ever thing I ever lost
Forgot and never had

So I'm sorry I have to say this
I really thought I was doing fine
But I found out just how wrong I was
And I don't want to cross that line

Seeing you was murder
All I wanted to do was scream
I tried everything to block you out
But nothing there was helping

I dread that when I post this
I'll give up the inch that's left
But you see I just can't quit you
If you're only just... 'there'

I can't IM you and not want to text.
I can't see you and not want... it to be back, what I'm not allowed.
It's like I'm going backwards and I don't want too anymore baby, I can't.


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  • 19 years ago

    by lonelynow

    If i could add you to my favs a thousand times i would
    if i could give you 20/5 everytime i would
    if i could make everything better i would
    if i could read ur poems all the time i would
    if i could give you a perfect comment i would
    if i could write like you i would, oh how i would

    you inspire me


  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Awee. this is sooo sad. i can completely relate. love youuu


  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    Amazing write as always. Deserves nothing but a 5/5 for sure. Take care and keep your head up.

    With love,

    *> : PainOfOne - blaine

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aw, my friend is going through a situation like this, and it hurts to see her go through it, but this is a beautiful poem eventhough it was inspired by hurt it is still wonderful , take care hun,xxoo

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Aw hun this is heartbreaking!!
    i think i know the feeling..
    miss u n ur amazing poems!!

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