And then you came

by Dillon   Jan 29, 2006

I was down in the dumps.
Thinking life wasn't worth it.
Then you came.
I thought I was done with love,

which I thought if I didn't have love,
I didn't have anything.
Then you came.
I frowned day in and day out,
Cried myself to sleep,
And hated eveyone and everything.
Then you came.
And I thank God every day that you came
Into my life.
I don't how else I would be here right now, today.
You have come into my life,
And I pray that you stay forever.
Your love has made me stronger.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Caitlin

    Omg u r so sweet! keep up the excellent work!!! :) luv, Caitlin

  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    Hehe, and then I came to comment, this poem is very well explained and such, but I can't say that I love the way it was formatted, it's not really even for both verses or three or whatever (I couldn't tell) . Keep up the good work