To my girl

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Jan 30, 2006

Hey girl, don't get so sad
With your girls here, it won't be so bad

c'mon and wipe them tears from your eyes
When one tear drop falls, my heart completely dies

We've been friends for way too long
And i can easily tell when something is wrong

Love hurts... i know how you feel
You constantly wish that it wasn't real

There's nothing that i can do or say
To make this go away or to be OK

So what i can do is tell you the truth
And that people care! my words are proof

You are so talented in my eyes
You won't give up without giving a million tries

You are so pretty and funny too
And I'm always here to pull you through

When you cry, I'll be by your side
I'll keep watch if you want to go hide

When you're pissed, I'll be there
You can take it out on me too, i don't care

If you're confused and don't know things anymore
I'll remind you what you're here for

You're here for yourself, family, and friends
I'll still be here if you think everything else ends

You're here to make a lasting mark
You're here to keep me from the dark

So please, keep your head up high
Because my world dies when i see you cry

*For My Amanda K*


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