Broken Roses

by TinyDancer46   Jan 30, 2006

With broken roses in her hands
She pulled petals one by one
A flower girl at the age of five
Adored by everyone

And across the room a little boy
Watched this tiny girl walk by
With her little cotton dress she wore
And a twinkle in her eye...

But a few long years had passed by
And she was just about eighteen
With golden curls upon her head
This gorgeous beauty queen

She went out to eat one normal day
As the boy working there did smile
For he saw that same young flower girl
He hadn't seen in such a while

They ended up talking for hours on end
Long after they'd said their hello
They laughed about the little things
Until she had to go

And as she walked into her house
At the end of that great night
She thought about his smile and knew
That things were finally right

And with broken roses in her hands
She pulled a petal at a time
"He loves me" and "he loves me not"
All night she continued to chime...

But a few weeks later in a storm
They were driving in a car
On the icy roads on one black night
Underneath the glowing stars

When suddenly the tires began
To spin out of control
They slid over an icy hill
As the car began to roll...

Three days later there he stood
Dressed in a black suit and a tie
Staring at her empty face
As he slowly began to cry

And with broken roses in his hands
He placed the petals all around
Staring at her casket....
As it lowered to the ground


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nikkicola

    What can I say except WOW...I cried and I'm not one to easily cry.

  • 17 years ago

    by Im In Love What Can I Say

    Omg this is so sweet and sad i love the ending. i was going to cry its wonderfully written and one of my favorite poems. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by StephanieMichelle

    This was sad. I thought it was a good poem. I like your work. You're a great writer.

  • 18 years ago

    by StephanieMichelle

    This was sad. I thought it was a good poem. I like your work. You're a great writer.

  • 18 years ago

    by katie taylor

    It made me want to cry that wass a awsome poem keep up your awsome work

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